Contribution in the quality assessment of Myrrh

Document Type : Original Article


1 1 elkhartoum square

2 Faculty of pharmacy, pharmacognosy department

3 faculty of pharmacy and drug manufacturing, pharos university

4 faculty of pharmacy, alexandria university


Myrrh was used anciently in difficult cultures as in embalming fluids by Egyptians, in Chinese and other traditional medicine. However, research about activity of myrrh till now is not very convincing. Compendial description of myrrh wasn’t helpful nor convenient in fully describing the composition as well as the attributes of the nature of myrrh, which put a burden on healthcare providers to appropriately prescribe it as it lacks the adequate validation tool in its healing properties or practices.
Methods used were descriptive parameters, such as color and particle size. Furthermore, we enforced chemical instrumental procedures, such as near infrared spectra, Thin layer chromatography and ultraviolet spectroscopy profiling. In conclusion, in vitro biological α-glucosidase activity of myrrh was assigned.
Impartially, NIR spectra of Myrrh were recorded and attempt to assign peaks of myrrh’s chemical composition, this is the first study to use this approach for myrrh. Particle size and color-PLS models with low RMSEC and RMSECV was useful to estimate alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity with acceptable accuracy.
In the absence of evidence based therapeutic indication for myrrh chemistry we must accurately study the composition of myrrh and agree upon species.


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